Vestibular Rehab

  • Types of Symptoms

    Vertigo (a spinning sensation)

    Poor balance


    Motion sensitivity


    Sensitivity to bright lights and noises

    Decreased tolerance of crowds

    Blurring of vision with head movements

    Difficulty watching TV or looking at screens

  • What Causes Vestibular Disorders?

    Head trauma (car accidents, falls, sports injuries)

    Inner ear infections

    Illness or disease


    Certain medications

    Neurological conditions including stroke, brain injury, and Multiple Sclerosis

  • balance exercise telehealth British Columbia

    Treatment for Vestibular Conditions

    Treatment for vestibular disorders varies according to the clinical findings of the assessment. You will be given specific exercises designed to address your cause of dizziness and your symptoms. Occasionally, a simple series of head movements can resolve the symptoms of BPPV with about 90% resolution after the first visit.

    Your program may include one or more of the following:

    Balance retraining exercises

    Specific vestibular or habituation exercises

    Exercises to improve visual or gaze stability

    A home exercise program

    Repositioning maneuver for BPPV (Epley Maneuver)

    Manual therapy