IMS / Dry Needling

What is Trigger Point Dry Needling?

It uses fine needles (the same used in acupuncture) inserted into trigger points in muscles to release the hyperirritable spot. Through palpation, tight spots in specific muscles are targeted, and then the needle is inserted. It is an option that sometimes we use to treat pain. The theory is that the needles help to release the tight band of muscle and allow oxygen and blood flow to come to the area. It isn’t a treatment that is appropriate for everyone, but it can be a helpful adjunct to the rest of the active based therapy.

Does Dry Needling / IMS Hurt?

It’s the same type of soreness that you’d have from a regular needle. The needle is moved to cover the specific irritated area. It’s normal to have some tenderness after the treatment, but after a couple of days, your initial pain should be eased.